Power Bundle

$179.81 $199.80 -11% OFF


Power Bundle - 4-piece kit: Acceleradine Ancient Salt Silver Thyroid Power Bundle - 5-piece kit: Acceleradine Ancient Salt Silver Fast Thyroid Power Bundle - 6-piece kit: Acceleradine Ancient Salt Silver Fast Thyroid Cogniblast

Power Bundle

$179.81 $199.80 -11% OFF


Power Bundle - 4-piece kit: Acceleradine Ancient Salt Silver Thyroid Power Bundle - 5-piece kit: Acceleradine Ancient Salt Silver Fast Thyroid Power Bundle - 6-piece kit: Acceleradine Ancient Salt Silver Fast Thyroid Cogniblast

The Power Bundle helps to boost the immune system, increase mental and physical energy, and provides daily detox simultaneously. With the added Accelerated Fast™, the results are enhanced significantly.

What’s included in the Power Bundle 4-Piece Kit:

Acceleradine® Iodine

Acceleradine® Iodine is the wildcard in supporting the immune system. It is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, anti-histamine, mucolytic, hydrating (2006, Miller), detoxifying, energy producing and performs a unique function known as healthy apoptosis. Healthy apoptosis, which is the natural death of traumatized and unhealthy cells, is the premise of rapid wound healing as well as disease reversal as shown in the 2003 UCLA study with lung cancer. (2003, Zhang).

There is no pathogen resistant to iodine (Derry). Iodine was used to protect people from the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed over 30 million people.

Iodine is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C, Vitamin E and phosphatidylcholine (David Brownstein). Iodine is also a more powerful antioxidant than any oxygen therapies such as ozone (2006, Miller).

All of these immune boosting benefits are in addition to Iodine’s key role for the metabolism and thyroid, the key endocrine gland for the immune system.  The thyroid produces T4 (4 stands for 4 iodine atoms), and, without iodine, the thyroid is unable to produce T4 that is necessary for the immune system.

Accelerated Colloidal Silver®

Not only does Accelerated Colloidal Silver® have an alkaline pH of 8.0, creating an environment that foreign pathogens may not be able to survive in, but it is programmed with Bio Informational Scalar technology to further help strengthen the Immune System and devitalize foreign pathogens. Furthermore, we use micro-clustered water technology to lower the surface tension for better absorption. No other silver company does this.

Accelerated Ancient Salt®

Accelerated Ancient Salt® is a scalar technology enhanced mixture of five precious ancient seabed and sea salts from the Andes Mountains, Himalayas and the U.S that is rich in minerals, without excipients, stabilizers, conditioners, chemicals or preservatives.

Accelerated Ancient Salt® holds a strong negative charged with scalar Technology used to enhance its frequency and ability to help “pull out” positively charged toxins, parasites and undigested fats. Through the use of basic quantum mechanics combined with high purity of raw materials, a scalar field is developed. This process optimizes Detox and rehydration.

Accelerated Thyroid®

Accelerated Thyroid®. This advanced formula is the only thyroid supplement available to combine two different thyroid supplementary formulas into one, and then enhances it with Scalar Frequencies for advanced healing. Unlike any other thyroid supplement, the effects are cumulative, improving the health of your thyroid.

Accelerated Thyroid® has been Bio Energetically Enhanced with our proprietary Scalar Field technology to imbed specific healing patterns into it.
The Scalar frequencies include:
-Enhancing the general health of the thyroid
-Neutralizing toxins found in the thyroid such as chlorine, fluorine, mercury, and other metals
-Neutralizing radiation and nuclear fallout.

Add Fast in the 5-Piece Kit:

  • Accelerated Fast™ capsules: increases energy and mental focus, balances blood sugar, accelerates fat-loss and more!


For more information on the individual products contained in this kit, please visit their respective product pages:

Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
Accelerated Ancient Salt®
Accelerated Fast™
Accelerated Thyroid®


Acceleradine® Iodine:

Start slowly.
Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements.

Basic/Advanced Saturation.
If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions.

Acceleradine® Iodine never substitutes thyroid meds.

Accelerated Colloidal Silver®:

Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out.

Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.

Accelerated Ancient Salt®:

Put a pinch on your tongue 15 minutes after Acceleradine® Iodine, add to water or drinks, and add liberally to food.

Accelerated Fast™:

Adults: Take 3 capsules per day for optimal results.

Take 3-4 Capsules in the morning on an empty stomach. Intermittent fast until you are hungry. For best results, break the fast with protein meal to increase fat burning.

Accelerated Thyroid®:

Take 3-4 capsules in the morning. May add 1-2 at noon if needed

Need assistance choosing the right supplement protocol for your health?

Ask Sara!

As a certified health coach, graduate of Stanford University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and natural supplement expert, I have created cutting edge wellness products to help support your health & wellness journey. For personalized nutritional and dietary advice, contact me with your details and I'll be happy to tailor advice to your specific needs.

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