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“The New Benchmark in Liver Supplementation”

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13 ingredients setting the new standard in liver care.

A well-crafted, proprietary blend of powerful, time-tested herbs from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, South American rainforest botanicals, and modern nutraceuticals.

Every herb and nutrient in Accelerated Liver Care is chosen for its unique ability to work in harmony with others, enhancing their effects.

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Accelerated Liver Care™ contains:

  • + Kukti
  • + Phyllanthus
  • + TUDCA
  • + Eclipta
  • + Jin Qian Cao
  • + Bupleurum
  • + Milk Thistle 
  • + Pau Pereira
  • + Thai Black Ginger
  • + Skullcap
  • + Andrographis
  • + Artemisia Capillaris
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"Game Changer"

"The combination of ingredients in Accelerated Liver Care is a game changer in the supplement industry. There is nothing like this out there. Forget any other liver supplement, this is the formula everyone needs.”

David W - Master Herbalist

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"No More Gallbladder Pain"

"I've had gallstones for a while but want to avoid having my galbladder removed. The pain from a galstone attack is unbearable. Hand on heart, after taking these for 4 days I flushed the gaallstones out! Pain gone!”

Susan B - Customer

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"Liver enzymes back to normal"

"For numerous reasons my liver enzymes have been crazy high. Doctors are baffled as tests showed elevated enzymes but I feel okay. After taking this they are back normal and I feel great!”

Debbie S - Health Coach


Love Your Liver

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By clearing "Damp Heat" and "Toxic Heat" from the liver and gallbladder, the formula ensures the smooth flow of energy, or Qi, throughout the body, balancing and rejuvenating your system.

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If you are someone who enjoys alcohol or regularly eats take out, you liver will be screamng out for support. Accelerated Liver Care targets damaged liver cells for revitalization.

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Upset stomach after eating, heartburn, constipation, all digestive issues are impacted by liver health. By improving bile flow, the formula aids digestion and prevents bloating.

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Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to activated energy! A healthier liver can better process nutrients and remove toxins, leading to increased everyday energy levels.


Feel the Difference in Less Than 7 Days

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The Proof is in the Results

  • + Proprietary blend of Traditional and Modern Herbs with results from clinical research
  • + 4 years of research and development and rigourous laboratory testing in FDA standard facility.
  • + 10:1 concentrated extracts, ensuring that every herb's active components are maximized.
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Accelerated Liver Care
Accelerated Liver Care
Accelerated Liver Care
Accelerated Liver Care

Accelerated Liver Care


Key Benefits:

  • Accelerated Liver Regeneration: Our proprietary formula helps stimulate the liver's natural repair processes, promoting faster healing and recovery from damage.
  • Enhanced Detoxification: Supports the liver's ability to filter out harmful toxins and impurities, promoting overall well-being.
  • Improved Liver Function: Helps optimize liver function, ensuring efficient nutrient processing and energy production.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Provides powerful antioxidant protection to safeguard your liver cells from oxidative stress and damage.
  • Natural Ingredients: Crafted with carefully selected, natural ingredients, ensuring safety and effectiveness.

How to Use:

Take three capsules daily, preferably with meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional. One monthly supply.

View Details


The Ingredients in Accelerated Liver Care work synergistically with each other to make each ingredient more effective than on its own.

This formula goes beyond basic liver support to deliver a comprehensive solution that addresses everything from detoxification to overall well-being.

Kukti (Picrorhiza kurroa)

This powerhouse herb has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat liver issues like jaundice and fatty liver. Kukti’s ability to activate autophagy (the process by which your body clears out damaged cells) makes it incredibly effective in reducing fat buildup in the liver, helping it regenerate and stay healthy.

Phyllanthus (Chanca Piedra)

Known as the "Stone Breaker," Phyllanthus, combined with Jin Qian Cao, is amazing for breaking down kidney stones and gallstones. It also fights bacteria like Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers and helps with digestive issues and diabetes management.

TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid)

TUDCA is like having an all-in-one hero for your liver and digestive system. It promotes bile flow, helping your liver flush out toxins and regenerate faster. What’s great about TUDCA is its protective benefits for brain and nerve cells, making it a multi-functional ingredient that supports liver health while boosting cognitive function.

Eclipta (Bhringaraj)

A revered herb in Ayurveda, Eclipta is known for promoting lush, healthy hair but is also a liver powerhouse. It detoxifies the liver by clearing excess heat and improves blood circulation, enhancing both skin radiance and liver function. Plus, it’s great for managing cholesterol levels and calming the mind.

Jin Qian Cao

Jin Qian Cao, or Gold Coin Herb, is one of those hidden gems in Traditional Chinese Medicine that packs a real punch when it comes to liver health. It's especially known for clearing "Damp Heat" from the liver, making it a go-to for dealing with gallstones and even jaundice.

This herb is also great for tackling kidney stones. What’s cool about Jin Qian Cao is how it teams up with Phyllanthus and Tudca to help dissolve gallstones and give your liver a serious detox boost. Since it works on the liver and gallbladder meridians, it pairs perfectly with Bupleurum and Milk Thistle, making it a powerful addition to any liver-supporting routine.


This herb has been a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years, known for its powerful detoxification properties. Bupleurum helps the liver process and eliminate toxins, supports adrenal function to boost energy, and has anti-inflammatory properties that may even help prevent liver cancer.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is the ultimate protector of the liver, loaded with antioxidants like silymarin. This herb not only helps repair liver damage but also acts as a shield against toxins from alcohol, pollution, and heavy metals. It’s been used for centuries to treat conditions like hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis.

Pau Pereira

Native to South America, this rare herb is packed with anti-cancer and antiviral properties. Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s research found that Pau Pereira targets and destroys cancer cells without harming healthy ones. Plus, it’s known for treating viral infections like hepatitis and others by stopping viruses from replicating.

Thai Black Ginger

Thai Black Ginger, also known as Krachai Dum, is a powerhouse herb in traditional Thai medicine, loved for its ability to boost physical performance and endurance. Packed with 5,7-Dimethoxyflavone, it helps the body use energy efficiently by supporting mitochondrial and ATP function, improving circulation, and even promoting fat burning.

It’s also a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, offering impressive liver protection—more than Milk Thistle. Plus, it aids digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, and supports glucose metabolism, making it a fantastic all-around health booster.

Skullcap (Scutellaria)

Skullcap (Scutellaria), named for its helmet-like shape, is part of the mint family and comes in beautiful shades of blue to pink. The version used in Accelerated Liver Care is a highly concentrated extract of Chinese Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), standardized for 85% Baicalin, the active flavonoid.

Artemisia capillaris

Artemisia capillaris, also known as capillary wormwood or yin chen hao in Chinese, is an incredibly powerful herb with a long history in traditional medicine, particularly for its benefits to liver health. This herb is packed with a variety of compounds like scoparone, scopoletin, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin, all of which have been shown to offer significant therapeutic effects for a range of liver conditions, from fatty liver disease to liver cancer.


Andrographis is a bitter-tasting plant, native to South Asia, with a long history in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Often referred to as “Indian echinacea,” it’s known for its impressive therapeutic properties, especially when it comes to boosting immunity and fighting infections. The leaves and underground stem are where its power lies, packed with compounds called andrographolides that deliver antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects.

In Accelerated Liver Care™, we use a 4:1 concentrated extract of Andrographis to maximize its effects. This powerful herb works synergistically with Bupleurum, Artemesia, and Scutellaria to clear heat, microbes, and toxins from the liver, making it a crucial part of the formula.

What’s even more impressive? Andrographis has shown effectiveness against foodborne illnesses, helping to clear out toxins from food poisoning, including harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. It’s a powerful herb with centuries of use behind it and modern science confirming its many benefits for liver health and beyond.