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HerbsForever Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb best known as a health tonic and restorative agent that:
Supports body and mind in combating daily life stress
Reduces anxiety and stress levels
Increases vitality, stamina and energy
Improves both physical and mental performance
Helps to support relaxation of mind
Helps to promote restful sleep
For more information and to speak with me about other HerbsForever products that I would recommend for your particular concerns, please contact me. I'd love to hear from you!
Each capsule contains Ashwagandha extract standardized to N.L.T (Not less than) 2.5% Withanolides. 650 mg extract + 150 mg micronised powder of Ashwagandha Root.
HerbsForever is an American based Ayurvedic herbal company. Their products include herbal blends as well as single herb formulations of the highest quality, which are effective in treating a variety of ailments.
Ayurvedic Concept
Ashwagandha is rejuvenating for Vata (Air) and Kapha (Fire); particularly for the muscles and bones. Ashwagandha may promote vitality, strength, and may act as a health tonic and restorative agent that has been used for supporting general debility, exhaustion, stress-induced fatigue, insomnia (calms the mind and promotes relaxation). It may also support the immune system and may help in muscle relaxation. The name Ashwagandha is from Sanskrit language & is combination of word “Ashva” means horse & “Gandha” means smell.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine and natural healing system of India. Its foundation comes from the Vedic Era around 5000 years ago. Ayurveda is one of the most comprehensive healing systems in the world, dealing integrally with body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda has classified the body system according to the theory of Tridosha to overcome all ailments by eliminating the basic cause.
The basic objective of Ayurveda is to educate people on how to take care of their health themselves and increase longevity. One can achieve this goal by monitoring and balancing one’s nutritional diet and life style. This system is related to the soul, body & mind simultaneously.
Adults: Take 1 capsule, 1 or 2 times a day with water. It is even more beneficial if taken with warm milk or soy milk.

Health Concerns Woman's Balance
Woman's Balance may be used for:
Poor appetite
Poor digestion
PMS with abdominal bloating, mild cramps and breast swelling
Menstrual irregularity
Menopausal distress
Useful in treating hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
Consider for Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)

Health Concerns Skin Balance
Therapeutic Actions of Skin Balance:
Reduces itching and skin inflammation
Treats conditions existing in psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, hives, and other inflammatory skin conditions
Removes toxins in blood which cause skin inflammation
Facilitates recovery of skin tissues once the itching and inflammation are under control
Moistens and nourishes the skin
Skin Balance by Health Concerns Chinese Herbs can be used for minor cases like pimples and localized itching. According to TCM these conditions are caused by heat, dampness, and toxins.
Barbat Skullcap herb (ban zhi lian), Oldenlandia herb (bai hua she she cao), Gentiana root (long dan cao), Rehmannia (raw) root (sheng di huang), Viola herb / root (zi hua di ding), Siler root (fang feng), Lonicera flower (jin yin hua), Lysimachia herb (jin qian cao), Coptis rhizome (huang lian), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Carthamus flower (hong hua), Senna leaf (fan xie ye), Rhubarb rhizome (da huang)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Skin Balance is designed to address skin inflammation. It is able to do four things: eliminate toxins, evaluating, reduce heat and dampness, and to nourish the skin through nourishing the blood.
The herbs oldenlandia (bai hua she she cao), viola (zi hua di ding), and barbat skullcap (ban zhi lian) are used to reduce the toxins
The herbs rehmannia root (sheng di huang), siler (fang feng), lonicera (jin yin hua), and coptis root (huang lian) are used to reduce the factors of heat and dampness.
Liver heat is also reduced by using gentiana (long dan cao) and bupleurum (chai hu).
The herbs Senna leaf (fan xie ye), rhubarb (da huang), carthamus (hong hua), and lysimachia (jin qian cao) are used to smooth bowel and water movements so as to purge the toxins out of the body.
The herb Tang kuei (dang gui) is used to nourish the blood which will nourish the skin to facilitate recovery of skin tissues.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Clears liver heat, Cleans blood, Eliminates heat and dampness
3 tablets, three to four times a day, between meals
Contraindications: Reduce dosage if diarrhea occurs

Health Concerns Nasal Caps 2
Nasal Caps 2 may be used for the following:
Support normal respiratory function
Sinus congestion with thick yellow mucus
Hay Fever
Sinus headache
Runny nose
Phlegm and cough
Earache due to sinus blockage
Snoring due to facial congestion

Health Concerns Isatis Gold
Health Concerns Isatis Gold™ is useful in treating:
Bacterial and viral infections that cause inflammation and fever
Upper respiratory, colds, flu, and bronchitis
Supports normal respiratory function

Health Concerns Isatis Cooling Formula
Therapeutic Actions of Isatis Cooling:
Treats Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers
Treats Leukorrhea accompanied by thick, dark, and smelly discharge and abdominal pain
Treats prostate inflammations accompanied by discharge and constant pain
May be used to treat urinary tract infections

Health Concerns Great Yin
Great Yin is best for:
Menopause-night sweats
Menopause-hot flashes

Health Concerns GB-6
Therapeutic Actions of GB-6™
Relieves pathogenic elements that contribute to acute gallbladder colic (cholecystalgia) and help dissolve gall stones (cholelithiasis)
Relieves chronic gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) with indigestion, nausea, and discomfort in the flanks, epigastrium, or abdomen
Effective in preventing stones in the urinary system
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Clears stagnant liver qi, Clears damp heat from the liver and gallbladder, Moves the blood

Health Concerns Eight Treasures
Eight Treasures may be used for the following:
Post menstrual fatigue
Delayed or Irregular menstruation
Supports normal fertility
Anemia from chronic illness or blood loss
Blurry or weak vision
Spots in Vision
Poor nails
Poor circulation
Reduced appetite

Health Concerns Drain Dampness
Therapeutic Actions of Drain Dampness™
Diuretic, diaphoretic
Strengthens the spleen
Primary indications are edema, difficulty in urination, sensation of heaviness
Secondary considerations are thirst, headaches, vomiting, foamy saliva, and pulsations below the naval

Health Concerns CordySeng
Therapeutic Actions of CordySeng™
For fatigue associated with chronic illnesses or during recovery from a severe acute illness or operation
For strengthening immune function
Chronic bronchitis, asthma
Improves athletic performance and oxygen utilization

Health Concerns Coptis Purge Fire
Therapeutic Actions of Coptis Purge Fire:
Treats intense, acute, localized inflammations, skin eruptions such as hives, sore throat, strep throat, eye and ear infections, nasal and sinus infections, herpes simplex outbreaks, pelvic inflammatory disease, tooth abscess, oral ulcers, nasal infections, and mouth ulcers
Treats chronic Liver Fire conditions, chronic skin eruptions (eczema), facial flushing, red eyes, migraine headaches, urinary tract infections
Treats constipation associated with illnesses and high fevers
Useful for hot flashes

Health Concerns Cold Away
This formula may be used for the following symptoms:
Sinus and chest congestion
Aversion to wind
Sore throat
Swollen tonsils

Health Concerns Clearing
Addresses chronic vaginal and urethral irritation and inflammation
May be used for chronic bladder infections
Treats stomatitis (mouth sores)

Health Concerns Clear Heat
Clear Heat™ is recommended for those with smoker's cough, fatigue, fever, hives, headache, and cold.
This formula is designed for people who have chronic toxic heat and inflammation usually associated with viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

Health Concerns Clear Air
Therapeutic Actions of Clear Air™
Treats acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, and bronchial asthma
Treats chronic cough with phlegm, wheezing and chest pain associated with smoking and air pollution
Combine with Western medication for pneumonia and tuberculosis

Health Concerns Astra Isatis
Astragalus & Isatis Herbal Supplement for Immune System Health & Inflammation
Therapeutic Actions of Astra Isatis™
Serves as an immune system tonic for chronic viral infections and inflammations accompanied by fatigue, facial flushing, agitation, and lymphatic swelling
Useful for chronic fatigue syndrome, Herpes simplex, HIV, hepatitis
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Tonifies Qi, yin, and yang; Clears phlegm
This formula is designed for patients with weak constitutions who are prone to many infections.
Isatis extract leaf & root (da qing ye & ban lan gen), Astragalus root (huang qi), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Laminaria leaf (kun bu), Codonopsis root (dang shen), Epimedium leaf (yin yang huo), Lycium fruit (gou qi zi), Dioscorea root (shan yao), Ligustrum fruit (nu zhen zi), Broussonetia fruit (chu shi zi), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Licorice root (gan cao)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Astra Isatis combines isatis (da qing ye/ban lan gen), an herb with strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, with Qi, yin and yang tonics. The cooling and warming properties of the herbs are balanced in Astra Isatis to provide long-term therapy for chronic viral infections, which tend to exhaust the Qi and yang.
The formula contains herbs that help calm an overactive metabolism and inhibit the agitating effects of pathogenic organisms. It includes spleen and kidney tonic herbs chosen for their immune enhancing properties and their ability to reduce inflammations. Laminaria (kun bu) regulates the thyroid and resolves lymphatic congestion. Bupleurum (chai hu) invigorates liver Qi and is used in the treatment of prolonged infections. Astragalus (huang qi), codonopsis (dang shen), white atractylodes (bai zhu) and dioscorea (shan yao) strengthen the spleen, and have immune enhancing properties according to Western research. Epimedium (yin yang huo) tonifies kidney yin and yang. Lycium (gou qi zi) nourishes kidney yin. Licorice (gan cao) tonifies the adrenal gland and has detoxifying properties.
Take 3 tablets, three times daily

Health Concerns Astra Essence
A restorative Zuo Gui Wan/You Gui Yin herbal tonic to support healthy brain and immune function as well as normal fertility
Therapeutic Actions of Astra Essence™:
Treats degenerative conditions and deterioration of brain function, vertigo, hearing loss, dizziness, and loss of memory
Strengthens the immune system and speeds recovery from illness, especially useful in chemo and radiotherapies
Use to balance blood glucose in diabetes
Reduces frequent urination and hair loss
Excellent overall tonic
May be used as a tonic for infertility or impotence
Astragalus root & seed (huang qi & sha yuan ji zi), Ligustrum fruit (nu zhen zi), Ho-shou-wu root (he shou wu), Lycium fruit (gou qi zi), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Eucommia bark (du zhong), Cuscuta seed (tu si zi), Ginseng root (ren shen), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Cornus fruit (shan zhu yu)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions:
Tonifies kidney essence (jing)
Tonifies kidney yin and yang
Tonifies Qi and blood
Astra Essence maintains vitality and promotes longevity. The formula is a combination of tonic herbs to nourish essence and astringent herbs to prevent loss of essence. Emphasis is placed on balanced kidney tonification. Essence tonics are taken in order to slow aging and to prevent deterioration of body functions for those who are under constant stress. The formula is useful in our society where many show signs of premature aging or kidney deficiency from fast-paced lifestyles.
3 tablets, two or three times a day

Health Concerns Aloe 22
A Cleansing Black Walnut Herbal Formula to Support Normal Digestive Function
Therapeutic Actions of Aloe 22:
Treats chronic infestations of intestinal parasites
Treats intestinal infections
Relieves chronic constipation
Helps with Diverticular disorders
This formula is recommended for those with poor digestion and constipation.
Black Walnut hulls (juglans nigra), Terminalia fruit (he zi), Ginger rhizome (gan jiang), Mume fruit (wu mei), Codonopsis root (dang shen), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Quisqualis fruit (shi jun zi), Omphalia fruit (lei wan), Vladimiria Souliei root (mu xiang), Torreya seed (fei zi), Pomegranate rind (shi liu pi), Melia fruit (chuan lian zi), Rubia root (qian cao gen), Aurantium fruit (zhi shi), Nutmeg seed (rou dou kou), Cardamom fruit (sha ren), Ulmus fruit (wu yi), Zanthoxylum fruit (chuan jiao), Licorice root (gan cao), Aloe Vera herb (lu hui)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions:
Disperses stagnant Qi
Purges gallbladder heat
Intestinal Astringent
Aloe 22 treats intestinal parasites and other intestinal diseases. The formula balances dispersing, eliminative forces with contracting and building forces, thus it is useful for a broad range of applications. The black walnut (juglans nigra), is a native tree of North America. Black walnuts are smaller, harder, and more pungent than the English walnuts sold in grocery stores. The hulls without the meaty kernels inside are used in herbal medicine. Black walnut trees exude a sap that discourages growth of competing plants over their roots. Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and a fungicide. The hulls also contain tannins, iodine, vitamin C and zinc. Tannins act as a defense mechanism in plants against pathogens. The antihelmintic properties of tannins have been shown in scientific studies. Tannins are described to be antibacterial, and anti-diarrheic. Iodine is widely used as an antiseptic in medicine. It works by attaching itself to the pathogenic bacteria and thereby killing them.
Cardamom (sha ren) treats abdominal pain and distension, and relieves intestinal spasms. It controls diarrhea caused by infection, but also treats constipation due to weak intestinal function. Astringent herbs such as mume (wu mei), terminalia (he zi), pomegranate (shi liu pi), nutmeg (rou dou kou), rubia (qian cao gen) treat diarrhea caused by infections, regulate intestinal secretions, and treat ulcers of the intestinal mucosa. Anthelmintics such as quisqualis (shi jun zi), omphalia (lei wan), torreya (fei zi), ulmus (wu yi), zanthoxylum (chuan jiao), and aloe vera (luhui) attack parasites in the bowels. Qi tonics such as codonopsis (dang shen), white atractylodes (bai zhu), and licorice (gan cao), and digestive herbs such as ginger (gan jiang) enhance immunityand improve absorption of nutrients.
1 to 3 tablets, three times a day

Health Concerns Man Yue Mei Clearing
Therapeutic Actions of Man Yue Mei Clearing™ (formerly Akebia Moist Heat):
Treats urinary tract infection or inflammation accompanied by frequent and painful urination.
Relieves factors related to bladder stones, kidney infection, painful or difficult urination, pelvic inflammatory disease, and prostatitis, cystitis, vaginitis
Cranberry fruit* (man yue mei), Corn silk (yu mi xi), Indian Plantain seed husk (che qian zi), Uva-Ursi leaf* (xiong guo), Japanese Knotwood root (hu zhang), Garlic bulb* (da suan), Achyranthes root* (niu xi), Gardenia fruit* (zhi zi), Dandelion root* (pu gong ying), Licorice root* (gan cao), Costus root*(mu xiang), Chinese Rhubarb rhizome* (zhi da huang); *extract
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Cranberry (man yue mei) enters the kidney, bladder, and large intestine; it promotes urination and drains heat. Corn silk (yu mi xi), Indian plantain (che qian zi), and uva ursi (xiong guo) relieve damp heat and assist in passing stones. Magnesium is an electrolyte and plays a critical role in kidney detoxification; it can reduce the risk of forming kidney stones. Garlic (da suan) resolves toxicity, strengthens the spleen, and reduces stagnation. Japanese knotweed (hu zhang) treats heat and supports the bladder, kidneys, and liver. Achyranthes (niu xi) invigorates the blood and qi. Gardenia (zhi zi) is one of the premier heat-clearing herbs in the Materia Medica; it also treats irritability, restlessness, and insomnia. Licorice (gan cao) is included for its harmonizing and detoxification actions. Costus (mu xiang) was added to the classic Ba Zheng San formula by ancient herbalist Zhu Dan Xi, to strengthen the transforming function of the bladder meridian. Chinese rhubarb (zhi da huang), removes heat through the stool.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions:
Clears fire and toxins in the lower burner
Drains Dampness (diuretic)
3 capsules three times per day, between meals. For acute conditions, 3 capsules every 4 hours.90 capsules, 650mg

Health Concerns Adrenosen
Restore your energy and sense of well-being while supporting your adrenals and preventing burn-out with this herbal Adrenal Cortex formula
Therapeutic Actions of Adrenosen™
Addresses burn-out, especially when accompanied by aching, pain, and digestive disturbances
Restores energy, sense of well-being, and mental acuity
Helps alleviate non-specific dry coughing, dyspepsia, and leukorrhea
Supports the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands
Athletes may use it with yin tonics in order to replenish their systems
Adrenosen is a formula that relieves burnout, and is based on an ancient Chinese remedy. Adrenal extracts have been used since the 1930s for cases of low adrenal function with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. As Adrenosen contains the cortex, it may be considered experimentally for cases of allergy and inflammation.
Three tablets contain: Chinese herbs (1,350mg): Pseudostellaria root (tai zi shen), Dioscorea root (shan yao), Dolichos seed (bai bian dou), Schizandra fruit (wu wei zi), Oryza sprout (gu ya), PAK (Pyridoxal alpha, Ketoglutarate 300mg)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
This formula facilitates the conversion of blood sugar into energy, calm the nerves, and increases circulatory delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In addition, PAK may prevent or reduce lactic acid formation. Pseudostellaria (tai zi shen) replenishes energy stores and helps generate fluids. Dioscorea (shan yao) helps regulate the heart beat, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and regulates the intestines; it also helps alleviate body aches and pains. Dolichos (bai bain dou) settles the stomach and reduces heat. Schizandra (wu wei zi) addresses insomnia, forgetfulness, poor concentration, palpitations, anxiety, and regulates blood sugar levels. Oryza (gu ya) directs the other ingredients to the intestines, liver, and gallbladder, and helps support the digestive system.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Tonifies Qi and kidney yang; Drains dampness
2 to 3 tablets, three times a day, between meals. Rapid effect can be realized for acute conditions; chronic ailments may require at least two days for effect to be noted.
Note: May be too warming a formula for some individuals.

Accelerated Face Lift® Cream
Achieve a natural facelift with our concentrated healing skin cream made by a master herbalist using rare wildcrafted and organic herbs, vitamins, and minerals
A concentrated healing skin cream made in small batches by a master herbalist using rare wildcrafted and certified organic herbs, vitamins, and minerals, so many nutrients are packed into each ounce creating results not seen with other products that just use a sprinkling of expensive nutrients, or what I call “Fairy Dusting,” so that they can claim it on their label.
What makes my product different from what you get fom brand name skincare companies?
Most brand name skincare companies use harsh and toxic chemical ingredients like artificial preservatives, parabens, dimethicone, alcohols, PEGs, and the list goes on. It never made sense to me that a company would put “natural” ingredients into a toxic soup of cheap petroleum-based chemicals. Because at Accelerated Health Products we do not spend millions on advertising, we are able to buy and use large amounts of rare and healthy ingredients while costing less than the name brand companies.
Accelerated FACE LIFT® Cream contains only hypoallergenic ingredients found in nature. Absolutely NO chemicals, alcohols, animal products (vegan safe), or artificial preservatives are used. And it is never tested on animals.
You will not find a better day cream packed with such rare herbal extracts perfectly balanced for total skin health.
Do you need the FACE LIFT Spray while using the FACE LIFT Cream?
The FACE LIFT spray has collagen in it and a different and equally amazing set of ingredients. The FACE LIFT Cream helps the skin utilize that collagen and enhances the results.

Health Concerns Channel Flow
Channel Flow is a natural herbal formula that has been shown to be equally effective at pain-relief as NSAIDs, ibuprofen, and aspirin without the negative side effects.
The long term administration of NSAIDs, ibuprofen, and aspirin at regular adult dosages is deemed unsafe for most patients due to danger to the heart, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Opiates are contraindicated long term because they are addictive. Although many doctors prescribe Tylenol, it can be dangerous to the liver especially in high dosages. Gastrointestinal effects include acute biliary pain, cholestasis, nausea and vomiting. The long term safety of Tylenol has not been established.
Because herbal formulas made in China are often adulterated with unsafe analgesics, Health Concerns wanted to provide a safe, consistent and effective formula manufactured here in the United States.
Therapeutic Actions of Channel Flow:
Has pain relieving and relaxant properties
Helps relieve joint, muscle, abdominal and gynecological pain and cramping
Treats headache, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, especially when used with other formulas
Supports normal menstruation and a fertile environment
Channel Flow, a modified Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan Corydalis Extract Herbal Supplement, was developed by Misha Cohen, OMD, LAc, and Andrew Gaeddert, out of their clinical experience with fibromyalgia, abdominal pain, and gynecological disorders. This formula was designed for quick results.
Corydalis (yan hu suo) was chosen as the chief herb for the formula, as it is very widely used in China for pain relief. It is 25% of the formula in a 7:1 extract. Corydalis invigorates the blood and alleviates pain. Corydalis also regulates Qi and is used for pain in the chest, abdomen, and epigastric area. It is also used for menstrual pain, as well as hernia-like (bearing down) pain. Corydalis has a mild sedative effect.
Angelica (bai zhi) relieves pain, especially in the upper body, neck, and shoulders.
Tang kuei (dang gui) has a special effect in relieving abdominal and uterine pain. Traditionally it is used for dysmenorrhea and arthritic pain. It increases local circulation of blood and has a warming effect. Its functions are to nourish, tonify, and invigorate the blood. Tang kuei, with salvia (dan shen) and myrrh (mo yao), alleviates pain due to blood stagnation in the extremities.
White peony (bai shao) alleviates pain, spasms, and cramping.
Cinnamon twig (gui zhi) was chosen for the specific effect of bringing the herbs to the surface of the body and to promote circulation of blood. The traditional functions include warming the channels. It has shown analgesic effects according to Western research.
Salvia (dan shen) was chosen for its specific effect of relieving menstrual pain. Its traditional functions include invigorating blood and removing blood stasis and heat. According to Western research, salvia increases microcirculation of blood flow and has a sedative effect.
Myrrh and frankincense are included for their functions in relieving pain. Frankincense (ru xiang) invigorates the blood and promotes movement of Qi. It alleviates pain and reduces swelling. Myrrh (mo yao) invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, reduces swelling and alleviates pain. Both frankincense and myrrh promote healing.
Licorice (gan cao) alleviates pain and spasms, and has anti-inflammatory and detoxicant effects.
Corydalis extract rhizome (yan hu suo), Angelica root (bai zhi), White Peony root (bai shao), Cinnamon twig (gui zhi), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Salvia root (dan shen), Myrrh resin (mo yao), Frankincense resin (ru xiang), Licorice root (gan cao)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
This formula can be used successfully for relieving pain from knee tendonitis, tennis elbow, headaches, and for routine pain as you would an NSAID or Tylenol.
Clients have used Channel Flow alone or with other herbal formulas for arthritis, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, headaches, TMJ pain, low back, shoulder and neck pain, and post-surgical recovery. The formula has also been used experimentally for foot and ankle pain.
In general, two to three tablets provide equivalent pain relief to 400mg of ibuprofen. In pain clinics, motivated patients have found that Channel Flow can significantly lower the need for opiates.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Channel Flow, also known as Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan (modified), regulates Qi and blood and warms the channels.
Clinical Case Studies:
Case 1: A thirty-year-old patient who worked as a social worker was dependent on NSAIDs and ergot medications to control her migraines. A neurologist advised her to stop all NSAIDs and headache medicine. She was advised to stop these medications cold turkey to prevent rebound headaches. She found that three tablets of Channel Flow effectively stopped 90 percent of her headaches.
Case 2: A patient who had rotator cuff surgery was prescribed oxycodone every 4-6 hours for post-surgical relief. He had many side effects from the drug and he was afraid he was going to become addicted. In addition to acupuncture, he found that two to three tablets of Channel Flow worked to control his pain without the side effects of the oxycodone. His surgeon commented that he had recovered faster from surgery than any other middle-aged patient.
The standard serving is two to three tablets, three times per day. For acute conditions, it can be used four or more times per day. It is recommended that you take the formula between meals, two hours apart from medications.
Channel Flow can be used symptomatically for pain. For best results, it should be incorporated into an overall pain management plan.

HerbsForever Cardio-B (Cardik-B)
Cardio-B (Cardik-B) is natural herbal supplement which may provide nourishment to heart & strengthen the heart muscles.
Cardio-B may help to maintain the normal Blood pressure which is already within the normal limits.
Helps to maintain healthy circulatory system.
Helps to fight stress and tension due to every day life.
As a Dietary supplement, this formula is helpful in conditions like elevation of the arterial blood flow, excessive or extreme emotional tenseness and state of uneasiness, relatively mild obsessive behavior.
For more information and to speak with me about other Herbsforever products that I would recommend for your particular concerns, please contact me. I'd love to hear from you!
Cardio-B (Cardik-B) is a combination of such herbs which may provide nourishment to heart & strengthen the heart muscles. Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) is cardio protective acoording to ayurvedic beliefs so it may protect the heart from certain hyper emotions like sudden fear, joy, sorrow etc. Gokshur (Tribulus Terristris) might help to excrete urine, thereby maintains the Blood Pressure which already lies in the normal range. It may also provide nourishment to all senses.
High quality extracts of wild crafted herbs from its natural habitat. Free from gluten, soya, dairy, binder, preservatives or artificial colors.
Arjuna stem (Terminalia Arjuna)
Amla fruit (Emblica Officinalis)
Punarnava root (Boeharvia Diffusa)
Rudraksha pods (Elaeocarpus Granitrus)
Gokshura fruit (Tribulus Terrestris)
Ashwagandha root (Withania Somnifera)
Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus Pluricaulis)
Calcium Calcined (Natural Source)
Gojihva aerial part (Onosma Bracteatum)
Herbsforever is an American based ayurvedic herbal company. Their products include herbal blends as well as single herb formulations of the highest quality, which are effective in treating a variety of ailments.
Cardio-B may help to maintain the normal Blood pressure which is already within the normal limits.
It may help to strengthen the heart muscles.
It may support the pumping activity of heart.
It may reduce the effects of stress & nervousness.
It may help to reduce headache, giddiness & inability to concentrate.
It helps to calm the mind & provide nourishment to nerves & brain.
It may act as a stress reliever.
It provide nourishment to generalized weak person.
Adults: 1 capsule 2 or 3 times a day with water. Adjust or reduce the dose as needed.

Accelerated Face Lift® Spray
An Advanced Natural Facial Spray containing all-natural micro-nutrition to replenish the skin & stimulate collagen production.
Accelerated Face Lift® Spray contains hundreds of skin rejuvenating nutrients including nano collagen, nano hyaluronic acid, nano plant-based minerals, aloe polysaccharides, and wild ginseng extract.
It is bio-energetically enhanced using water implosion technology and bio-encoded frequencies.
New & Improved Formula
Now with double the collagen and more Frankincense Hydrosol for a more concentrated, powerful formula!

Swanson Malic Acid 600 mg 100 Veggie Capsules
Fuel your muscles to fend off fatigue with Swanson Malic Acid. The same compound that gives apples their tart taste, malic acid plays a key role in the production of ATP, the energy source for all cells. Our convenient capsules feature 600 mg per serving of malic acid which is found in apples.
Malic acid supplements deliver nourishment to help re-energize your muscles
Plays a key role in the production of ATP, the energy source for all cells
Our convenient Capsules deliver malic acid supplement derived from apples
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - Our products reflect our commitment to giving you the best quality and service at the best price. We guarantee that every product you purchase is made from the purest, freshest nutrients and meets the highest quality standards. If you aren’t completely satisfied with any product(s) purchased within the last 30 days, simply return the unused portion to us for a full refund.
Per GMP guidelines set forth by the FDA, most products are formulated for 24 months from the date of manufacture. Liquids and probiotics are formulated for 12 months.
-11% sale

Accelerated Liver Flush Detox Cleanse
If your liver isn't healthy, neither are you!
The Accelerated Liver Flush Detox Cleanse is the perfect 14-day cleanse to accelerate optimal liver function and clean a "dirty liver".
How do you know if your liver is not functioning optimally?
Some subtle signs you may need the Accelerated Liver Flush Detox Cleanse:
Weight gain without overeating
Sluggish feeling and low energy
Dull looking eyes
Skin breakouts and acne
Waking up in the middle of the night around 3am to 5 am
Liver cramps
Benefits of the professional 14 day liver cleanse:
Flushes gallstones out of the body
Helps eliminates pain, cramps and inflammation
Helps lower AST and ALT liver enzyme counts
Supports the replacement of damaged liver cells with healthy ones
Helps to eliminates thousands of toxins and pollutants
Helps to reverse drug and alcohol liver
Helps to flushes out unhealthy cholesterol deposits
Helps open obstructions in liver & gallbladder
Helps to boost the immune system and macrophage count
Here's what's included in the Accelerated Liver Flush Detox Cleanse:
Save over 10% with this Cleanse! (compared with the cost of each item purchased separately)
One (1) bottle Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder with Activated Charcoal
One (1) bottle Accelerated Liver Care™
One (1) bottle Nature's Life Malic Acid 800mg
One (1) bottle Global Healing Oxy-Powder
How it works
A general timeline for the Liver Flush Detox Cleanse goes like this:
The first two weeks involve prepping the colon by using the Accelerated Cellular Detox Powder® at night, before bed. Then, you follow it with two weeks of clean eating along with taking the Accelerated Liver Care™ and Malic Acid supplements. Finally, on the last day, you will easily and painlessly help your body flush out all of the toxins in the form of liver stones and gallstones.
Download detailed instructions here. These will also be emailed to you, or you can view the instructions online.

Inside & Out Skin Bundle
from $163.61
Help rejuvenate the skin from the inside and out with our collagen boosting, gut repairing natural skincare supplement bundle
What’s included in the 4-piece Inside & Out Skin Bundle:
One 16 oz bottle of Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
One 16 oz bottle of ION* Gut Health (formerly RESTORE)
One 4 oz bottle of FACE LIFT™ Spray with Frankincense
One 1.6 oz bottle of FACE LIFT™ Cream
Add Accelerated Skin & Soul Serum in the 5-Piece Bundle:
The world's oldest rejuvenating skin serum containing Emu Oil, Cinnamon, Myrrh, and Kaneh-Bosma, helps with acne, scars and wrinkles. Also uplifts mood and enhances spiritual awareness. Can be used anywhere on the body, from head to toe!

Health Concerns Xanthium Relieve Surface
Xanthium Relieve Surface™ may be used for the following symptoms:
Sinus headaches
Aching muscles
Hay fever
Itchy skin rashes
Stuffy or runny nose
Phlegm and cough
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Xanthium Relieve Surface is a combination of the traditional formulas Bi Yan Pian and Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Formula). Xanthium (can er zi) and magnolia flower (xin yin) are widely used Chinese herbal decongestants. Platycodon (jie geng) directs the actions of the herbs to the lungs and nose, schizandra (wu wei zi) and licorice (gan cao) have antiallergenic and adaptogenic properties. Angelica (bai zhi), siler (fang feng) and schizonepeta (jing jie) have wind relieving properties that help relieve acute nasal and skin symptoms. Astragalus (huang qi) and white atractylodes (bai zhu) bolster defensive energy. Wild chrysanthemum (ye ju hua) enters the lung meridian and is included for respiratory conditions.
Xanthium fruit (cang er zi), Magnolia flower (xin yi hua), Platycodon root (jie geng), Schizandra fruit (wu wei zi), Angelica root (bai zhi), Wild Chrysanthemum flower (ye ju hua), Siler root (fang feng), Schizonepeta herb (jing jie), Astragalus root (huang qi), White Atractylodes root (bai zhu), Licorice root (gan cao)
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the Xanthium Relieve Surface™ formula helps:
Open nasal passages
Promote blood circulation and remove toxins
Clear surface wind-heat
Cool heat and dispel wind-dampness
3 tablets, three times a day, between meals.
For acute conditions, 3 tablets every 4 hours.

Health Concerns Mobility 2
This formula is recommended for those with inflammation and supports normal joint function.
Health Concerns Mobility 2 may be used for the following:
Supports normal joint and muscle function
Low back pain
Poor circulation
Post-stroke weakness
Mobility 2 is based on the traditional formula Clematis Combination (Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang). In traditional Chinese medicine, arthritis is caused by poor circulation, accumulation of moisture in the joints, and inflammation related to blood stagnation. Mobility 2 treats these conditions while also nourishing and circulating the blood and providing analgesic relief of pain.
Red Peony root (chi shao), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Ligusticum root (chuan xiong), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Persica kernel (tao ren), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), Citrus peel (chen pi), Siler root (fang feng), Vitex fruit (man jing zi), Gentiana root (qin jiao), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Chiang-huo rhizome (qiang huo), Clematis root (wei ling xian), Angelica root (bai zhi), Licorice root (gan cao)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Supports normal joint and muscle function
Low back pain
Poor circulation
Post-stroke weakness
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Mobility 2™ also helps:
Relieve the surface
Dispel wind damp
Activate blood circulation
Promote the flow of water
Vitalize blood circulation
2 to 4 tablets 3 times per day, between meals

Health Concerns Mobility 3
Health Concerns Mobility 3 may be used for the following:
Support normal joint function
Joint discomfort
Mild lower back pain
Leg soreness
This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung’s 60 years of clinical experience. Exposure to cold, wind, or dampness is a common occurrence, and can take place during sudden changes in weather or while participating in everyday outdoor activities. In other cases, exposure can result from being in a damp indoor environment for extended periods. In Chinese medicine, exposure to the excesses of cold, wind, or dampness leads to the initial symptoms of cough, runny nose, headache, fatigue, joint pain, and fever and chills. If not treated promptly, the cold, wind, or dampness accumulates, causing blood stasis, thus leading to more serious conditions, such as arthritis.
Kirin Ginseng root (ji lin shen), Cinnamon twig (gui zhi), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Ho-shou-wu root (he shou wu), Loranthus stem (sang ji sheng), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Cistanche salsa herb (rou cong rong), Ardisia gigantifolia root (zou ma tai), Chiang-huo rhizome (qiang huo), Angelica pubescens root (du huo), Tienchi root (san qi), Spatholobus stem (ji xue teng), Tinospora root (shen jin teng), Chaenomelis fruit (mu gua), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Ginger root: 5% gingerols (gan jiang)
About Health Concerns
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
Therapeutic Actions:
Treats physical discomfort due to exposure to wind, cold, or dampness. Symptoms include headache, numbness, pain, malaise, fatigue, and the like
Treats arthritis and muscle pain that worsens in cold damp weather
This formula is particularly suitable for persons over 30 years of age
Chinese Therapeutic Effects:
Tonifies the blood
Invigorates the blood
Dispels cold, wind, dampness
Relieves joint pain
3 tablets 3 times per day, between meals

Accelerated Face Lift® Skincare Bundle
from $76.40
Yes, you can achieve a natural facelift with the healing and collagen-boosting power of our Accelerated Face Lift Bundle!
Why use Accelerated Face Lift® Products?
Accelerated Skincare Products are like no other natural skincare products. Our premium ingredients don't irritate the skin, and help to hydrate, lift, and eliminate blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles. Achieve a natural face lift without injectables or surgery.
The Accelerated Face Lift® Spray contains nano trace minerals, while the Accelerated Face Lift® Cream contains more MSM, more herbal extracts and macro minerals from the pearl powder. Most people don't realize that for the body and skin to be healthy we need both trace minerals and macro minerals.
Think of the Accelerated FACE LIFT® Spray as directly providing trace minerals and the all-important hyaluronic and collagen, while the cream provides herbal nutrition that tells the cells what to do with the nutrition, such as make more Collagen, Elastin, and HA, while providing an Eastern Medicine point of view on how to bring youthfulness back to aging skin.
In the first couple weeks of using the FACE LIFT Spray, we should see a lot of old skin being removed. Once all the old skin has been removed using the spray, and the skin has absorbed the nano nutrients, then we want to use the cream to replenish the skin and provide a protective barrier to keep those nutrients in the skin. Although the face spray is amazing unto itself, it can be looked upon as a facial cleanser and toner (even though we know it is much more than that) while the cream is true skin food.
The Accelerated Face Lift® Serum is the world's oldest rejuvenating skin serum containing Emu Oil, Cinnamon, Myrrh, and Kaneh-Bosma, helps with acne, scars and wrinkles. Also uplifts mood and enhances spiritual awareness. Can be used anywhere on the body, from head to toe!
The Accelerated Face Lift® Mask is a hydrating mask that removes toxins and impurities from the skin as it rehydrates, firms and lifts.
Each product does contain some similar ingredients, but in different amounts, while there are other ingredients that are vastly different and perform completely different functions. So, we created these two products to perfectly complement each other.
2-piece Bundle Contains:
One 4 oz bottle of FACE LIFT® Spray with Frankincense
One 1.6 oz bottle of FACE LIFT® Cream
Add Accelerated Skin & Soul Serum and the Accelerated Face Lift® Mask and save with the 4-Piece Skincare Bundle:
4-piece Bundle Contains:
1 x Accelerated FACE LIFT® Spray with Frankincense
1 x Accelerated FACE LIFT® Cream
1 x Accelerated Skin & Soul Serum
1 x Accelerated FACE LIFT® Mask

Accelerated Ancient Salt® 32 oz
Scalar charged ancient sea salts for enhanced detox and optimal rehydration.
Accelerated Ancient Salt® is a scalar charged mixture of five precious ancient seabed and sea salts from the Andes Mountains, Himalayas, and the U.S that is rich in minerals, without excipients, stabilizers, conditioners, chemicals, or preservatives.
Replenishes electrolytes
Helps with appetite and sugar cravings
Helps with blood sugar
Helps alleviate occasional nausea
Helps with detoxification
Gourmet flavor

Health Concerns Clear Phlegm
Clear Phlegm™ may be used for the following conditions:
Runny Nose
Sinus congestion
Stomach mucus
Cough/Smoker's cough
Poor appetite
The First and Still the Best
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients.
Commitment to Quality
Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients.
They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science.
Mission & Values
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives.
Product Quality Assurance
Herb Selection
Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated.
Laboratory Testing
Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level.
Processing and Potency
Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability.
Combining Components
They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process.
Tableting and Packaging
Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency.
Fully Tested & Guaranteed
All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities.
At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.
This formula is recommended for those with phlegm, runny nose, vomiting, and nausea.
Pinellia rhizome (ban xia), Citrus peel (chen pi), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), Aurantium fruit (zhi shi), Bamboo shavings (zhu ru), Arisaema rhizome (tian nan xing), Agastache herb (huo xiang), Acorus rhizome (shi chang pu), Licorice root (gan cao)
Clear Phlegm™ is an herbal formula supporting normal respiratory function. In Chinese medicine, phlegm in the stomach leads to distention, copious sputum, a greasy tongue coating, and a slippery pulse. Heat in the gallbladder creates a bitter taste in the mouth. The combination of phlegm and heat which may lead to dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Phlegm heat may also cause irritability, insomnia, and anxiety.
Bamboo (zhu ru) clears heat and phlegm and also helps with coughing and other signs of rebellious qi.
Aurantium (zhi shi) reverses rebellious qi, and helps reduce distension.
Pinellia (ban xia) and citrus (chen pi) dry dampness and expel phlegm, while improving circulation in the stomach.
Poria (fu ling) and licorice (gan cao) strengthens the spleen and leaches out dampness.
Arisaema (tian nan xing) dries dampness expels phlegm and is also used for phlegm obstructing the channels causing dizziness, numbness of the limbs.
Acorus opens the orifices, vaporizes phlegm, and quiets the spirit
3 tablets, three times per day, between meals
Important Note: Reduce dosage or discontinue if excessive dryness occurs
Health Concerns Remedy Combinations for Cold & Flu Symptoms:
Fever: Isatis Gold or Yin Chao Junior
High Fever: Cold Away + Isatis Gold
Constant Sneezing and Colored Phlegm: Isatis Gold + Nasal Tabs 2
Sneezing with lots of Phlegm: Isatis Gold + Clear Phlegm
Sneezing with Clear Phlegm: Isatis Gold + Clear Air, a formula that warms and lungs and reduces phlegm
Cough and Cold: Isatis Gold + Clear Air
Chest Congestion with Unproductive Cough: Cold Away + Clear Air
Headache: Isatis Gold + Head-Q
Ear Infections: Nasal Tabs 2 + Coptis Purge Fire
Chronic Ear Infections: Nasal Tabs 2 + Clear Phlegm
Severe Nasal Congestion: Cold Away + Nasal Tabs 2 or Xanthium Relieve Surface

Kids Supplement Bundle
from $97.10
3 easy-to-take liquid supplements that help boost immunity, fight off colds and flu, provide the complete spectrum of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, and heal Leaky Gut for improved concentration, focus and mood! Add Acceleradine® Iodine to boost thyroid health, metabolism and immunity even more!
While we bundled these products together with kids in mind, the kit is great for Adults, too!
Kids' Supplement Bundle contains:
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® - 16 oz bottle
Ola Loa Energy Multi-Vitamin drink in Tropical Flavor
Optional Add-on:
Acceleradine® Iodine - Vibrational Frequency Charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯)
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®:
Adults Only Serving Size: Take 2 teaspoons (10ml) by mouth, from 2-7 times daily (depending on the purpose of use.)
Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Adults Only Serving Size: 1-2 per day for additional microbiome support after the first month of the protocol.
Ola Loa:
Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once-a-day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and antioxidant protection. Ola Loa ENERGY not only tastes great, it’s really easy to use too. Simply add the contents of a packet to a half-glass of water, and you’re ready to drink your vitamins!
For the Optional Acceleradine® Iodine:
For children, start with 2 to 3 drops, 2 to 3 times a day and increase to 10 to 15 drops, three times a day. Put drops in 4-12 oz water. Drink immediately and wait 15 minutes before food.
-11% sale

Study Bundle
Help Boost Your Student's Immunity!
A combination of 3 of our best products to help boost immunity against college colds and flus, cover the basic vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes needed for hydration, and soak up the toxins from food and alcohol poisoning. All three are safe and beneficial to take daily.
Kit contains:
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® - 16 oz bottle
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder
Quintessential 3.0
Optional Acceleradine® Iodine:
About Acceleradine® Iodine Supplement (Optional)
Acceleradine® Iodine is a vibrational frequency charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯) and thus ~100% bioactive, true ionic iodine.
Benefits include:
Produces energy and helps the metabolism function properly
Is an antioxidant
Is an anti-allergenic, detoxifies, vasodilating
Suppresses Auto-Immune conditions
Induces healthy cell turnover (apoptosis) and destroys abnormal cells, which can inhibit cancer cell growth
Is free of the pollutants found in seawater
Unlike some glandular thyroid medications, Acceleradine® Iodine does not inhibit the thyroid’s function.
Helps boost immunity against college colds and flus, cover the basic vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes for hydration, and soak up the toxins from food and alcohol poisoning.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®:
Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder:
Take 1-2 tsp at night before bed in water or juice. Best to mix with a little apple cider vinegar or lemon, stevia, and water over ice.
Ola Loa:
Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once a day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and anti-oxidant protection. Ola Loa ENERGY not only tastes great, it’s really easy to use too. Simply add the contents of a packet to a half-glass of water, and you’re ready to drink your vitamins!
Optional Acceleradine® Iodine:
Patch test.Apply to inside upper arm: if it disappears within 24 hours, this indicates that you are iodine deficient; if it doesn’t, it is a possible sign of sluggish lymph with severe iodine deficiency and dehydration.
Start slowly.Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements.
You are detoxing your thyroid as you are increasing the dosage. So, if you feel strong detoxifying reactions, then don’t increase the dose until you feel good again. Stay at the 20 drops three times a day, for about 4 months and then drop down to 10-15 drops three times a day.
Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions.
After 4 months, slowly reduce dosage back to 8-10 drops, 3 times per day. Continue maintenance dose daily.
Please take Acceleradine® at least 15 minutes before or 1 hour after food.
Acceleradine® never substitutes thyroid medications

Herbsforever Kanchanara Guggul
Supports proper function of the thyroid and lymphatic systems
Helps to maintain healthy glandular functions.
Helps to maintain healthy functioning of thyroid glands.
Supports detoxification and rejuvenation.
Helps to check extra internal & external growth.
Helps to maintain healthy functioning of glands secretion.
High quality extracts of wild crafted herbs from their natural habitats. Free from gluten, soya, dairy, binder, preservatives or artificial colors.
Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul) Gum Resin Purified, Kachnara Tvak (Bauhinia Variegata) Stem, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) Fruit Pulp, Bibhitaki (Terminalia Belerica) Fruit Pulp, Amlaki (Emblica Officinalis) Fruit Pulp, Sunthi (Zingiber Officinalis) Rhizome, Maricha (Piper Nigrum) Fruit, Pippali (Piper Longum) Fruit, Varuna (Crataeva Nurvala) Stem, Elaichi (Elettaria Cardamomum) Seeds, Tvak (Cinamomum Zeylenicum) Stem, Tejpatra (Cinnamomum Tamala) Leaves.
Per Ayurveda:
Kanchnara Guggulu helps to balance the excess Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Water) in body. It helps to reduce or break down the deep seated Kapha (Water) and supports proper circulation of blood & supports elimination of toxins from body
Take 1 or 2 Capsules/Tablets 2 times a day with warm milk or water, preferably one hour after meals.
Please consult with your health care practitioner prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of the reach of children.
-10% sale

Accelerated Colloidal Silver 4-Pack
A powerful combination of Nano and Colloidal Silver, Accelerated Colloidal Silver® delivers additional potency being charged with scalar technology to help you increase your frequency and to powerfully help support, strengthen and boost your immune system.
Ultra fine pure Scalar Silver 99.99%
Helps boost the immune system
Helps alkalize the blood
Made with proprietary Scalar Silver™ technology
Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water
Bio Energetically Imprinted to enhance its efficacy
Safe with no risk of side-effects
Alkaline pH of 8.0
Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free
Made in the United States

Immune Boosting Bundle
from $134.88
Now, more than ever, boosting immunity has become a vital part of everyday healthcare. These key supplements work together to devitalize foreign pathogens, boost the immune system, and create natural antibacterial, anti-viral, antifungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, antihistamine, mucolytic, hydrating, detoxifying, energy producing actions.
Accelerated C60™
ESS60, the compound in Accelerated C60™, has proven to be highly effective at addressing one of the most pernicious viruses that humanity has ever encountered: HIV. For a long time, there was no known cure for HIV. Now that Accelerated C60™ is observed to have virucidal (virus-killing) properties, it has gone beyond the stage of research studies and has been patented as a treatment for HIV.
Not only does ESS60, or Accelerated C60™, reduce the infections caused by HIV, but it also directly inhibits the reproduction of the virus. Viruses normally cause disease in the human body by taking over the cells of the body and replicating until it overwhelms the immune system. Typically a young and healthy person has an immune system that can overcome most common viruses such as the common cold and influenza.
This is why the patent of Carbon 60 or ESS60 to treat HIV is such an amazing advancement. Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, ESS60 does not have any harmful side effects. It works to directly prevent the virus from replicating and has the potential to effectively treat many people with HIV already without the side effects associated with current HIV medications.
While it is a step of inference to say that ESS60 could be used to treat other illnesses, we do know that the regular use of Accelerated C60™ can improve your immune system, and is 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C. Additionally, it is a known antibiotic, and may also improve sleep which is essential for a strong immune system.
Acceleradine® Iodine
Acceleradine® Iodine is the wildcard in supporting the immune system. It is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, anti-histamine, mucolytic, hydrating (2006, Miller), detoxifying, energy producing and performs a unique function known as healthy apoptosis. Healthy apoptosis, which is the natural death of traumatized and unhealthy cells, is the premise of rapid wound healing as well as disease reversal as shown in the 2003 UCLA study with lung cancer. (2003, Zhang).
There is no pathogen resistant to iodine (Derry). Iodine was used to protect people from the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed over 30 million people.
Iodine is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C, Vitamin E and phosphatidylcholine (David Brownstein). Iodine is also a more powerful antioxidant than any oxygen therapies such as ozone (2006, Miller).
All of these immune boosting benefits are in addition to Iodine’s key role for the metabolism and thyroid, the key endocrine gland for the immune system. The thyroid produces T4 (4 stands for 4 iodine atoms), and, without iodine, the thyroid is unable to produce T4 that is necessary for the immune system.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
Not only does Accelerated Colloidal Silver® have an alkaline pH of 8.0, creating an environment that foreign pathogens may not be able to survive in, but it is programmed with Bio Informational Scalar technology to further help strengthen the Immune System and devitalize foreign pathogens. Furthermore, we use micro-clustered water technology to lower the surface tension for better absorption. No other silver company does this.
The 4-piece kit offers a choice of one of the following Electrolyte Replenishment Supplements:
QuintEssential 0.9: Pure Natural Isotonic Seawater & Springwater Trace Mineral and Electrolyte Replenishment Supplement
Ola Loa Energy Multivitamin: Replenishes the needed Electrolytes, Minerals, Vitamins and Amino Acids. *Currently the 4-piece bundle option with Ola Loa is only available in the delicious Orange flavor.
For more information on the individual products contained in this kit, please visit their respective product pages:
Accelerated C60™Acceleradine® IodineAccelerated Colloidal Silver®Ola Loa Energy Multi-vitamin
These three key supplements work together to devitalize foreign pathogens, boost the immune system, and create natural antibacterial, anti-viral, antifungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, antihistamine, mucolytic, hydrating, detoxifying, energy producing actions.
Accelerated C60™ ESS60:
The typical recommended dose is 1 teaspoon per day (approximately 5 ml). Use this online calculator to get a more precise dose.
You can take Accelerated C60™ at any time of day, with or without food. It all depends on your preferences. Our customers report the best results when taken in the morning. Our recommendation is to take Accelerated C60™ as part of your breakfast routine.
Acceleradine® Iodine:
Patch test.Apply to inside upper arm: if it disappears within 24 hours, this indicates that you are iodine deficient; if it doesn’t, it is a possible sign of sluggish lymph with severe iodine deficiency and dehydration.
Start slowly.Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements.
Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions.
Acceleradine® Iodine never substitutes thyroid meds.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®:
Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out.
Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Adults: Mix 1 level scoop (or packet) with 4-6 oz of water to taste. Consume once daily or twice daily when traveling or exercising.
Children over 5: 1/2 scoop daily.

Accelerated Anytime Reset Detox Cleanse
from $262.59
The Accelerated Anytime Detox Cleanse is perfect for anytime you need a RESET!
When used together, the supplements in this 30 day kit help:
Boost your Immune System
Boost metabolism
Increase energy
Clear brain fog
Gently eliminate toxins from body
A great bundle to work with any diet!
What's Included:
Please visit the individual product pages for more information about each formula:
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
Acceleradine® Iodine
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder
Ola Loa Energy Multi-Vitamin Drink
QuintEssential 0.9
Accelerated Thyroid®
Anytime Reset Detox Cleanse Instructions
-11% sale

Accelerated Fasting Cleanse
The Ultimate Intermittent Fasting Preparation, the Accelerated Fasting Cleanse is the perfect way to reset your body and set yourself up for success when changing to a healthier diet regime.
Every product included in the Accelerated Fasting Detox Cleanse has been combined to give you maximum cleanse results and to prepare your body for a clean, easy, no brain fog, no keto-flu start to the life-changing keto diet or intermittent fasting.
What's included in the Accelerated Fasting Cleanse:
Accelerated Fast™
Accelerated Fast™ helps increase energy and mental focus, balances blood sugar, accelerates fat loss, reduces inflammation, supports liver health, and more!
Accelerated Fast™ is programmed with frequencies to:
Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
Cleanse the Liver
Convert saturated fat to unsaturated fat
Increase base metabolic rate
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
A powerful combination of Nano and Colloidal Silver, Accelerated Colloidal Silver® delivers additional potency by being charged with scalar technology to help you increase your frequency and powerfully help support, strengthen and boost your immune system.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® is programmed with frequencies to:
Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
Improves the health of the Thymus,
Improves Lung function,
Devitalizes viruses
Devitalizes bacteria
Accelerated Thyroid®
Accelerated Thyroid®. This advanced formula is the only thyroid supplement available to combine two different thyroid supplementary formulas into one, and then enhance it with Scalar Frequencies for advanced healing. Unlike any other thyroid supplement, the effects are cumulative, improving the health of your thyroid.Accelerated Thyroid® has been Bio Energetically Enhanced with our proprietary Scalar Field technology to imbed specific healing patterns into it. The scalar frequencies include:
Enhancing the general health of the thyroid
Neutralizing toxins found in the thyroid such as chlorine, fluorine, mercury, and other metals
Neutralizing radiation and nuclear fallout.
Accelerated Thyroid® is programmed with frequencies to:
Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
Improve the overall health of the Thyroid
Detox halogens
Detox heavy metals
Detox radiation
Balance thyroid with parathyroid.
Acceleradine® Iodine
AcceleradineⓇ Iodine is a vibrational frequency charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯) and is 100% bioactive, true ionic iodine.
Benefits of AcceleradineⓇ Iodine include:
Produces energy and helps the metabolism function properly
Helps reverse Hypothyroid and Hashimoto's
Is antioxidant and anti-allergenic, detoxifies, and is vasodilating
Suppresses auto-immune conditions
Induces healthy cell turnover (apoptosis) and destroys abnormal cells, which can inhibit cancer cell growth
Is free of the pollutants found in seawater
Unlike some glandular thyroid medications, Acceleradine® Iodine does not inhibit the thyroid’s function.
May reverse DNA Damage done by mRNA, spiked proteins, and graphene oxide.
Accelerated Cellular DetoxⓇ Powder
Accelerated Cellular DetoxⓇ Powder soaks up and carries toxins gently through the intestinal tract, easing the burden on the liver and kidneys, while also helping with bloat and regularity.
QuintEssential 0.9
The perfect Isotonic solution of organic ocean minerals diluted with natural alpine spring water to achieve the same consistency as your blood plasma. Supports homeostasis and rehydration and contributes to normal digestion.
MegaSpore Biotic™
MegaSpore Biotic™ is a probiotic blend of 5 Bacillus spores that have been shown to maintain a healthy gut barrier and immune function.
The bi-phasic life cycle of the Bacillus spores allows them to remain dormant in harsh environments until they reach more favorable environments like the human gastrointestinal tract.
Once inside the large intestine, these dormant spores can change into their active, vegetative forms and begin colonizing in the gut.
This unique probiotic blend aims to recondition the gut instead of reseeding with probiotic strains that cannot survive digestion or colonize the gut.
MegaSporeBiotic™ helps control the “bad” bacteria and grow the “good” bacteria. It has been shown to help with E. Coli, Salmonella, H. Pylori and more.
See the Accelerated Fasting Cleanse Guide

Accelerated Radiation and Heavy Metal Detox
from $236.40
A powerful 30-day heavy metal detox that also helps zero out any radiation and EMF's from the body.
Accelerated Radiation & Heavy Metal Detox
The supplements in the Acceleated Radiation & Heavy Metals Detox Cleanse help to zero out the radiation, boost your immune system and help fill your body with the only radiation-free monatomic iodine available so that your thyroid and metabolism work optimally, and have no room to absorb any more radiation.
More about the products in this cleanse:
Acceleradine® Iodine
This is the only Mono-atomic Iodine that is not only Radiation-free but is scalar-charged to neutralize radiation in the body. So, as you are feeding your thyroid the proper amounts of needed iodine, you are also detoxing your cells throughout the body of poisons including Fluoride, Chlorine, Bromide, Radioactive Iodine, and other poisons. Because you will be detoxing these substances, you want to start slow with the servings.
Directions: Start with 4 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. It should be the first thing you take when you wake up. Increase the serving by 1 drop each serve each day. So day 2, you will be taking 5 drops, 3 times a day. Do so until you get to 20 drops 3 times a day. Stay at that level for at least 4 months to achieve saturation. Then you can drop down to 15 drops per serve. If you feel rapid heart rate or other symptoms, slow down the increase. You cannot overserve but you obviously want to be comfortable.
What makes Acceleradine® Iodine different from other iodine supplements?
It is CHARGED WITH TRUE SCALAR ENERGY: This means it is treated with the most balanced highest frequency and heals at the deepest levels. Helps fight radiation exposure in addition to supplying ample iodine.
It is RADIATION FREE: Seaweed and most other iodine come from sources that are heavily radio-contaminated due to Fukushima.
It is A SINGLET IODINE ATOM WITH 100% BIOAVAILABILITY: Most iodines are diatomic molecules that require the body to use more energy to break down, which is especially hard if you have a weak immune system.
It produces APOPTOSIS: This means it causes cell death of weak or diseased cells.
Accelerated Thyroid®
Accelerated Thyroid® has been Bio Energetically Enhanced with our proprietary Scalar Field technology to imbue specific healing patterns into this product.
These halogen chemicals that are very common in our water supply and other household items actually lock into the receptor sites of the thyroid thus diminishing the function of the thyroid and leading to a slow metabolism. Our scalar-enhanced products add another dimension of healing to our already unique formulation.
Accelerated Thyroid® is programmed with frequencies to:
Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
Improve the overall health of the Thyroid
Detox halogens
Detox heavy metals
Detox radiation
Balance thyroid with parathyroid.
Accelerated NucNoMore®
Antidotal Frequencies for Nuclear Fallout and smog of hundreds of Radioactive isotopes and general radiation from Ionizing Radiation like commercial flying and X-rays
Antidotal Frequencies for Non-ionizing Radiation from things like Smart MetersSmart Cell Phones and Electro-pollution.
This product enhances the function of the Acceleradine®, even after you finish taking the NucNoMore®, and continue with just the Acceleradine®. One bottle will neutralize radiation in the body and keep it at zero even after finishing the bottle unless you are exposed to a large amount of radiation again.
Directions: After taking your first serve of Acceleradine® in the morning, immediately take 12 drops of NucNoMore® under your tongue (not diluted). For enhanced results, follow 10 minutes later with Radiation-Free Rehydrating Accelerated Ancient Salt®.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
Now enhanced with scalar technology
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® is programmed with frequencies to:
Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
Improves the health of the Thymus,
Improves Lung function,
Devitalizes viruses
Devitalizes bacteria
Accelerated Cellular Detox®
Accelerated Cellular Detox® detox powder soaks up all of the toxins from the day, the toxins you released from the Acceleradine®, Accelerated Colloidal Silver®, and NucNoMore®, help with regularity and bloat and start cleaning out the system from years of build-up.
Optional Accelerated Ancient Salt®:
Is a strongly negatively charged (to help “pull out” positively charged toxins, parasites and undigested fats), pure, raw, unbleached, unheated, unrefined ancient seabed and sea salt from pristine sources that contain no harmful or synthetic excipients.
This product is a mixture of five precious salts from high-frequency locations in the Andes Mountains, the Himalayas, and the United States. It is scalar-charged to further enhance its frequency. Through the use of basic quantum mechanics combined with high purity of raw materials, a scalar field is developed. The resultant scalar energy is a higher frequency of energy that helps create organization of the DNA.
Directions for Use
Acceleradine® Iodine:
Patch test.Apply to inside upper arm: If it disappears within 24 hours, this indicates that you are iodine deficient; if it doesn’t, it is a possible sign of sluggish lymph with severe iodine deficiency and dehydration.
Start slowly.Begin with 3-4 drops graduating to 20 drops three times a day (for instance, at 8AM, 12PM and 4PM) on an empty stomach. Put drops in 4-12 oz water. Drink immediately and wait 15 minutes before food.
Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions.
Acceleradine® Iodine never substitutes thyroid meds.
Accelerated NucNoMore®:
12 drops once per day under the tongue, immediately after your first serve of Acceleradine®. If flying, traveling to radioacontaminated areas, or living in areas of higher exposure such as Japan, Hawaii, California, etc., or for those working in nuclear plants or nuclear medicine, 12 drops once per day is recommended before, during, and after exposure. Since people and conditions are different, always monitor and measure exposure and contamination levels and seek guidance from a licensed health practitioner.
*Make sure you are hydrating with Himalayan salt on the tongue throughout the day, appprox 1 teaspoon on the tongue or dissolve in water.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®:
Adults Only Serving Size: Take 2 teaspoons (10ml) by mouth, from 3-7 times daily (depending on purpose of use.) Child usage and serving only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and serving only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Accelerated Cellular Detox®:
1-3 tsp in juice or water before bed. This will help soak up the toxins you are releasing with the Thyroid Detox Bundle. This is only combination of all six organic ingredients in the most effective ratios. I mix it with water, lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar, and stevia (tastes like lemonade or apple juice with no sugar).

Power Bundle
from $179.81
The Power Bundle helps to boost the immune system, increase mental and physical energy, and provides daily detox simultaneously. With the added Accelerated Fast™, the results are enhanced significantly.
What’s included in the Power Bundle 4-Piece Kit:
Acceleradine® Iodine
Acceleradine® Iodine is the wildcard in supporting the immune system. It is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, anti-histamine, mucolytic, hydrating (2006, Miller), detoxifying, energy producing and performs a unique function known as healthy apoptosis. Healthy apoptosis, which is the natural death of traumatized and unhealthy cells, is the premise of rapid wound healing as well as disease reversal as shown in the 2003 UCLA study with lung cancer. (2003, Zhang).
There is no pathogen resistant to iodine (Derry). Iodine was used to protect people from the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed over 30 million people.
Iodine is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C, Vitamin E and phosphatidylcholine (David Brownstein). Iodine is also a more powerful antioxidant than any oxygen therapies such as ozone (2006, Miller).
All of these immune boosting benefits are in addition to Iodine’s key role for the metabolism and thyroid, the key endocrine gland for the immune system. The thyroid produces T4 (4 stands for 4 iodine atoms), and, without iodine, the thyroid is unable to produce T4 that is necessary for the immune system.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®
Not only does Accelerated Colloidal Silver® have an alkaline pH of 8.0, creating an environment that foreign pathogens may not be able to survive in, but it is programmed with Bio Informational Scalar technology to further help strengthen the Immune System and devitalize foreign pathogens. Furthermore, we use micro-clustered water technology to lower the surface tension for better absorption. No other silver company does this.
Accelerated Ancient Salt®
Accelerated Ancient Salt® is a scalar technology enhanced mixture of five precious ancient seabed and sea salts from the Andes Mountains, Himalayas and the U.S that is rich in minerals, without excipients, stabilizers, conditioners, chemicals or preservatives.
Accelerated Ancient Salt® holds a strong negative charged with scalar Technology used to enhance its frequency and ability to help “pull out” positively charged toxins, parasites and undigested fats. Through the use of basic quantum mechanics combined with high purity of raw materials, a scalar field is developed. This process optimizes Detox and rehydration.
Accelerated Thyroid®
Accelerated Thyroid®. This advanced formula is the only thyroid supplement available to combine two different thyroid supplementary formulas into one, and then enhances it with Scalar Frequencies for advanced healing. Unlike any other thyroid supplement, the effects are cumulative, improving the health of your thyroid.Accelerated Thyroid® has been Bio Energetically Enhanced with our proprietary Scalar Field technology to imbed specific healing patterns into it. The Scalar frequencies include:-Enhancing the general health of the thyroid-Neutralizing toxins found in the thyroid such as chlorine, fluorine, mercury, and other metals-Neutralizing radiation and nuclear fallout.
Add Fast in the 5-Piece Kit:
Accelerated Fast™ capsules: increases energy and mental focus, balances blood sugar, accelerates fat-loss and more!
For more information on the individual products contained in this kit, please visit their respective product pages:
Acceleradine®Accelerated Colloidal Silver®Accelerated Ancient Salt®Accelerated Fast™Accelerated Thyroid®
Acceleradine® Iodine:
Start slowly.Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements.
Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions.
Acceleradine® Iodine never substitutes thyroid meds.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver®:
Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out.
Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor.
Accelerated Ancient Salt®:
Put a pinch on your tongue 15 minutes after Acceleradine® Iodine, add to water or drinks, and add liberally to food.
Accelerated Fast™:
Adults: Take 3 capsules per day for optimal results.
Take 3-4 Capsules in the morning on an empty stomach. Intermittent fast until you are hungry. For best results, break the fast with protein meal to increase fat burning.
Accelerated Thyroid®:
Take 3-4 capsules in the morning. May add 1-2 at noon if needed

Accelerated NucNoMore® EMF Protection Drops
Accelerated NucNoMore® Oral Radiation Drops
The ultimate in radiation EMF protection, NucNoMore Radiation Drops are scalar frequency charged ORMES oral drops that support the removal of harmful non-ionizing and ionizing radiation, including EMFs.
1 fl oz bottle (29.6 ml)
Directions: Take 12 drops under the tongue in the morning. Increase potency when taking immediately after the first dose of Acceleradine Iodine. Take radiation drops seven days a week until you finish two bottles. Take it four days a week for maintenance. Upon exposure to radiation, dose it daily for two weeks and then return to four days a week.
Accelerated NucNoMore® Radiation Drops is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.

Acceleradine® Iodine
Discover the transformative power of Acceleradine® Iodine, an advanced liquid iodine supplement designed to support your overall health and well-being.
Acceleradine® Iodine is packed with bioavailability, meaning it is designed for maximum cell absorption.
Whether it has been suggested you take iodine for your thyroid or seeking an iodine supplement for optimal health, Acceleradine® iodine will soon be your new favorite supplement.
Comparing Different Types of Iodine Supplements
Not all iodine supplements are created equal!
Our bodies absorb some forms of iodine better than others. This depends on the source of the iodine and its chemical form in the supplement. Learn about different types of iodine and which ones you should take for optimal results.
Iodine Deficiency
According to a study by Dr David Brownstein, 96% of the US population is iodine deficient.
Important points about iodine to remember:
Our thyroid gland relies on iodine to function.
Our bodies do not produce iodine, so we must obtain it from external sources such as our diet.
Toxins, radiation, processed foods, industrial farming practices and global climate change have resulted in declining iodine levels. This is a major concern when we have an organ, the thyroid gland, relying on it for optimal health.
Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency
Symptoms of iodine deficiency include:
Weight gain
Brain fog
Cold intolerance
Dry skin and nails
Why Acceleradine® Iodine?
A 100% bioactive ionic iodine, and programmed with scalar frequency, Acceleradine® Iodine is a superior liquid iodine supplement.
2% tincture of pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯)
Highly Bioavailable
Vigilantly Pure and Radiation Free
Iodine Health Benefits
Thyroid Function Support
Iodine provides essential support to the thyroid gland, a crucial organ for regulating metabolism, fat burn, and weight management. Iodine is a key component in the production of thyroid hormones, helping to maintain a healthy and balanced metabolic rate.
Energy Metabolism
Iodine is integral to the production of thyroid hormones, which play a vital role in energy metabolism and fat burning.
Immune System Boost
Adequate iodine levels are essential for a robust immune system. Iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, helping your body defend itself against external threats and promoting overall wellness. It helps devitalize foreign pathogens including viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
Cognitive Function
Iodine is crucial for brain health and cognitive function. Iodine supports the synthesis of neurotransmitters, aiding in mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive performance. It also detoxes the brain of fluoride, lead and other toxins that cause brain fog. Iodine deficiency is the number one cause of depression.
Detoxification Support
Iodine plays a role in the detoxification process, helping the body eliminate toxins and maintain a healthy balance.
Cellular Health
Iodine is essential for the health of every cell in the body. Iodine supports cellular function, contributing to overall well-being and helping to maintain healthy tissues.
Reproductive Health
Iodine is crucial to the functioning of the reproductive system. Iodine supports reproductive health in both men and women, playing a role in fertility and overall reproductive well-being.
Thyroid Antioxidant Protection
Iodine acts as an antioxidant, protecting the thyroid gland and all cells in the body from oxidative stress. This helps to maintain the integrity of the thyroid tissue and supports its optimal function.
Acceleradine® Iodine is a scalar-charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯).
A proprietary process suspends this extremely high frequency iodine formula in its simplest form (atoms — not molecules, compounds, or complexes), making it extremely bioavailable (~100%). This 2% singlet iodine atom (I¯) tincture in pure, non-GMO grain alcohol is a negatively charged, true ionic tincture. Proprietary, private testing shows this iodine is radiation-free due to its vigilantly pure source of iodine.
Start slowlyStart with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements.
Basic/Advanced SaturationIf you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions. ImportantContinue taking 25 drops 3 times per day. If you choose to take only 2 doses, you can take 37 drops twice a day.Please take Acceleradine® Iodine at least 15 minutes before or 1 hour after food.Acceleradine® Iodine never substitutes thyroid medications
What makes Acceleradine® Iodine unique?
It’s vigilantly pure and radiation free. Both the iodine source used in Acceleradine® (from a pristine, uncontaminated, underground mine site in South America) and the non-GMO grain alcohol have been tested and shown to be radiation free! It’s 100% Bioavailable. This is a 2% singlet iodine atom (I ¯ ) negatively charged, true ionic tincture. Our proprietary process suspends this extremely high frequency iodine formula in its simplest form — atoms (not molecules, compounds, or complexes). It has superior cell uptake compared to: iodine (I2); potassium iodide (KI) or iodate (KIO3); sodium iodide (NaI); ammonium iodide (NH4I); iodine trichloride (ICl3″halogen displacement); & povidone iodine (I2+synthetic polymer—in drugstores and hospitals) What are the symptoms of Iodine Deficiency?
Overweight/underweight, chronic fatigue especially upon rising, depression, irritability, recurrent infections, muscle weakness/aches, joint aches, sensitivity to cold (cold hands/feet), headaches, constipation, decreased libido, high/low body temperature, high/low heart rate/blood pressure, increased sweating, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, heart enlargement, fluid retention from decreased lymph drainage, increased allergies, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, difficulty breathing, impaired concentration/memory, slow speech, thick tongue, hoarseness, painful menstruation, infertility, miscarriages, decreased kidney function, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood calcium problems, deafness, unsteadiness, obstructive sleep apnea, myxedema, bug eyes, etc. For more information on the importance of Iodine and it’s functions, please read this document: AHP Iodine – The Universal & Holistic Super Mineral [pdf]
Acceleradine® is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.

Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is your daily detox drink and GUT SUPERHERO.
The ultimate solution for revitalizing your gut health and well-being, this groundbreaking detox drink is meticulously formulated to provide your body with a potent and efficient daily detoxification experience, helping you unlock a new level of vitality and energy.
Combining the ultra-cleansing properties of Micronized Zeolite, Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal, Triphala, Slippery Elm and fat absorbing Chitosan, Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is your 100% Certified Organic Daily Detox Drink, enhanced with scalar frequencies for superior efficacy.
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is programmed with scalar frequencies to:
Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
Detox the body from pesticides and insecticides
Detox the body from heavy metals and radiation
Key Features:
Advanced Detoxification: Scientifically blended formula designed to target toxins at the cellular level, promoting a gentle yet thorough cleanse of your body's systems.
Healthier Gut and Colon: Helps rid the gut and colon of toxins by soaking up poisons including alcohol and other toxic substances in addition to reducing inflammation and restoring a healthy gut microbiome.
Rapid Results: Experience faster detoxification and feel the benefits sooner, thanks to our carefully selected blend of powerful detoxifying ingredients.
Natural Ingredients: We pride ourselves on using high-quality, natural ingredients that are gentle on your body while delivering exceptional detox results.
Enhanced Vitality: As your body rids itself of harmful impurities, you'll notice a surge in energy levels and a revitalized sense of well-being.
Easy to Use: Simply mix the Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder with water or, for extra flavor, add a teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar, sweetener, and ice.
Trusted Quality: Produced in state-of-the-art facilities and rigorously tested, our product ensures both safety and effectiveness.
Scalar Enhanced: We have embedded scalar frequencies to detox the body from insecticides, pesticides, heavy metals, and radiation, in addition to releasing physical and emotional shock from the body.
Elevate your health and start your journey to a toxin-free body with our Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder. It's time to feel the difference, embrace vibrant health, and unleash your body's full potential. Make the smart choice for your well-being at a cellular level.
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.

Ola Loa ENERGY Multivitamin Drink
Ola Loa is "long life" in Hawaiian
Ola Loa ENERGY is a delicious all-natural effervescent multi-vitamin-mineral-amino powder that provides quick recovery for stress, sports and the rigors of daily life. It is the first multivitamin-mineral-amino acid supplement to combine advanced nutrition research into a convenient “drink your vitamins” delivery system. Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once a day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and anti-oxidant protection. Providing hard to get nutrients like TMG, NAC and CoQ10, plus vitamins A through K, 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 90 mineral complexes and 6 amino acids, Ola Loa’s nutrients are pleasing to taste and provide almost instant benefits.
If you are like most people, your life is a blur of constant activity, and finding enough energy to keep up isn’t easy. Ola Loa ENERGY can help, and can make the difference between going ahead with activities or giving up in the face of fatigue.
The Ola Loa ENERGY Exclusive Formula
Ola Loa ENERGY is the single most powerful supplement available today for the control of homocysteine and to support methylation. Developed by Dr. Richard Kunin, its exclusive formula provides gram serves of vitamin C, glycine, and betaine (aka TMG) along with synergistic co-factors, coenzyme Q10 and acetylcysteine. Nutrient synergism is further enhanced by arginine, lysine, selenium, chromium and, of course, folic acid and hydroxycobalamin, which serve to methylate homocysteine, which thus is converted into methionine, an essential amino acid.
More Active Nutrients >>
Ola Loa ENERGY has more active nutrients than other competing brands
Vitamin C becomes non-acidic as it complexes with the minerals of Ola Loa. This assures speedy mineral absorption without stomach irritation. Vitamin C performs its miracles as an antioxidant, an antiviral agent and immune booster. It is also involved in synthesis of hormones, e.g. Estrogen, Testosterone, Cortisone, and Adrenalin. Vitamin C is essential to collagen production, the repair protein for the structure of all tissues, and all the while providing extra protection against blood vessel inflammation and damage.
Coenzyme Q10 is also an antioxidant, and is the key to energy production in every cell in the body.
B Vitamins in ample serves of hard-to-get folic acid, B12, and B6, which offer protection against homocysteine-induced vascular injury and premature aging.
Vitamin A-Retinol is essential to healing and repair of all tissues, including production and function of white blood cells, the key to immune power.
Selenium an essential mineral which has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral qualities.
Boron is a key component to Calcium utilization and efficiency and involved in regulation of sex hormones.
Potassium is a vital electrolyte, a partner with magnesium for regulation of activity at all cell membranes.
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) replenishes glutathione, the most important cellular antioxidant.
Glutathione protects all cells and tissues of the body from damage and acts as an anti-aging nutrient, for skin, heart, lung, liver, intestine and muscles.
L-Arginine a conditionally essential amino acid is often very low in the U.S. diet. It is a source of nitric oxide, a blood vessel relaxer, which regulates blood flow, blood pressure, and normal sexual response. It also contributes to immunity and tissue healing and repair.
L-Lysine is an essential part of collagen, the major protein that shapes our tissues. It is also the major raw material for the production of carnitine, the key to utilization of fat for energy.
L-Glycine has many benefits, including:
It aids in the prevention of low blood sugar, advantageous when you miss a meal or on a weight loss diet.
It combines with Arginine to form Creatine, thus supporting muscle energy.
It provides natural defense against toxic chemicals, including salicylates and phenols associated with food sensitivity.
It has a calming effect and is a useful antidote for anxiety, irritability, and muscle tension.
TMG (Tri-Methyl Glycine) also called Betaine, is a source of methyl groups for the activation of methionine into SAMe. The methyl groups can be passed on by SAMe to support a number of bodily functions:
Energy production (carnitine)
Sustained muscle energy (creatine)
Cell regeneration and healing (polyamines)
Antacid/Anti-Histamine effect
Brain and Nerve repair (myelin)
Production of Neurotransmitters (acetylcholine and epinephrine, which control arousal, mood, emotions and learning)
Synthesis of the sleep hormone, melatonin
Suggested Use
Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once a day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and anti-oxidant protection.
Ola Loa ENERGY not only tastes great, it’s really easy to use too. Simply add the contents of a packet to a half-glass of water, and you’re ready to drink your vitamins!

AmpCoil 3.0
Designed for home use for individuals and their family members, the AmpCoil System utilizes sound technology combined with biofeedback and an electromagnetic coil to deliver sound frequencies that harmonize, balance, and support you on your journey to wellness. The AmpCoil system is easy to set up and use in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
Whether you’re seeking support to overcome an autoimmune condition, striving for longevity, focused on transformation, or desiring optimal performance, AmpCoil will deliver. It can help those who are suffering & support anyone’s wellness journey.
As low as $149.00 per month
Scientifically Proven Tech
AmpCoil is a modern wellness tool, combining a powerful PEMF delivery system and an app, called ‘BetterGuide’. BetterGuide utilizes voice analysis biofeedback to determine the customized tones your body is asking for, then plays these frequencies back into the body, emitting them deep into the cells. The result is that the human biology quickly begins to return to the balanced and harmonized state that nature intended.
The Amp:
AmpCoil’s sleek, new custom amplifier offers advanced technology for sound amplification and transmittal from the tablet to coil. The latest design is optimized to deliver the most efficient and effective transfer of sound frequencies.
The Coil:
The AmpCoil Coil is like the speaker system for the amplifier. The frequencies from the BetterGuide App are transmitted to the coil which creates a quiet, safe, gentle and highly-effective Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) which resonates with the body’s own magnetic field to harmonize and shift your internal vibration.
Sound Software:
Better than a “Frequency Generator,” AmpCoil’s proprietary BetterGuide App is the sound software that is the secret sauce of the AmpCoil system! Countless hours have gone into the development of this software by a team with decades of experience in sound, tone, and frequency delivery. It includes a large “playlist” of unique, preset AmpCoil “journeys.
When you purchase an AmpCoil System, you are not just getting a device: you are opening the door to infinite possibilities for transformation through Sound, PEMF and CommUnity. You’ll receive:
The most sophisticated and affordable PEMF technology for home use
BetterGuide App Sound Software with a full library of preset Journeys and continuous development of new Journeys to support life’s challenges
A CommUnity of individuals who care, share and support each other
AmpCoil’s renowned Support Team of experts to guide you on your journey
Safe. Simple. Made for everyone.
Amp Coil is made for home use for the entire family whatever the age with no adverse side effects, pills or waiting times. This system takes absolutely no effort other than turning it on.
The AmpCoil system includes:
The AmpCoil Amplifier Built into a Hard Shell Carry Case
The AmpCoil Coil
Tablet Computer with the BetterGuide App
AmpCoil CommUnity
AmpCoil Customer Support & Help Center
Specific Preset Journeys Include:
General Detox
Balance the Mind
Brain Reboot
Common Cold Chest
Common Cold Head
Deep Sleep
Full Moon
Headache Help
Higher Self
Hormone Harmony
Immune Boost
Pain Release
Relax All
Want to Learn More?
To find a location near you for a demo or for ordering information, please contact Sara Banta at

Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1
Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1 promotes healthy bowel function by stimulating & strengthening the colon muscles. This super formula also:
Helps Improve Digestion and Elimination
Stimulates and Strengthens the muscular movement of the colon
Cleanses and detoxifies your body of accumulated waste
A non-habit forming laxative that produces complete bowel movements within 6-12 hours
Wild Harvested Cape Aloe Leaf, Organic Senna Leaf and Pod, Wild Harvested Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark, Wild Harvested Oregon Grape Root, Organic Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Organic Garlic Bulb, Wild Harvested Habanero Pepper
Other ingredients: Cellulose (vegetable plant fiber capsule)
Helps Improve Digestion and Elimination
Stimulates and Strengthens the muscular movement of the colon
Cleanses and detoxifies your body of accumulated waste
Start with 1 capsule daily. Increase by only 1 capsule each day until desired effect is obtained. This formula works best if taken with food. We suggest during or just after dinner.
NOTICE: This product contains Aloes, Senna and Cascara Sagrada. Read and follow directions carefully. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain because Aloes, Senna and Cascara may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Consult a physician if you have frequent diarrhea or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

Health Concerns Virility Caps
This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung's 60 years of clinical experience.
Some of the conditions that contribute to infertility in men are decreased libido, lack of energy, difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count, poor sperm motility, among others. In Chinese medicine, the primary organ responsible for maintaining reproduction capabilities is the kidney; it also stores essence, which is the basis for sperm production. Common syndrome patterns that can give rise to infertility include insufficient kidney yang, kidney yin deficiency of Qi and blood, and constrained liver qi which causes blood stasis.
When to use Virility Caps:
Supports Male Fertility
Supports Normal Erectile Function
Useful for impotence, poor sperm count, and poor sperm mobility
Can also be used for kidney yang deficiency
In this formula, the chief herb is kirin ginseng (ren shen) which strongly tonifies the basal qi and strengthens the spleen and tonifies the stomach. Cistanche salsa (rou cong rong) addresses impotence, spermatorrhea, and cold pain of the back. Morinda (ba ji tian) along with psoralea (bu gu zhi) tonify the kidney and Qi. Deer antler sediment (lu jiao shuang) and cynamorium (suo yang) tonify the kidney, with the latter aiding the smooth flow of Qi and blood. Herbs that tonify the blood are rehmannia (shu di huang), tang kuei (dang gui), and gelatinum (e jiao). Cinnamon bark (rou gui) warms the kidney and fortifies the yang. Cardamon (sha ren) promotes the movement of Qi and strengthens the stomach; in addition, it is added to this formula, which is tonifying in order to prevent the herbs from causing stagnation.
Ingredients: Turmeric (curcuma longa) extract bound to soy phosphatidylcholine
Kirin Ginseng root (ren shen), Epimedium leaf (yin yang huo), Cistanche salsa herb (rou cong rong), Morinda root (ba ji tian), Astragalus root (huang qi), Deer antler sediment (lu jiao shuang), Dipsacus root (xu duan), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Psoralea fruit (bu gu zhi), Eucommia bark (du zhong), Cynamorium plant (suo yang), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Cardamon fruit (sha ren), Gelatinum (e jiao), Cinnamon bark (rou gui)
Supports Male Fertility
Supports Normal Erectile Function
Useful for impotence, poor sperm count, and poor sperm mobility
Chinese Therapeutic effects:
Warms kidney yang
Relaxes the shen
Tonifies the Qi and blood
2 to 3 capsules TID, between meals
90 vegetarian capsules, 750 mg., 15 day supply

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