HerbsForever Liver (Livrol) Forte


HerbsForever Liver (Livrol) Forte


Liver (Livrol) Forte provides the liver with a natural defense against environmental toxins and helps promote better digestion and assimilation of food. It also acts as a complete liver support formula with numerous applications while also supporting the gallbladder, digestion and colon.

I recommend using Liver Forte as part of my easy-to-follow and easy-to-do Liver Gallbladder Flush.


Herbsforever is an American based Ayurvedic herbal company. Their products include herbal blends as well as single herb formulations of the highest quality, which are effective in treating a variety of ailments.

Livrol Forte is an herbal formulation based on ancient science and modern research.


High quality extracts of herbs from their natural habitats are used according to their quality and potency without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or preservatives. Wild Crafted Herbs are more potent and effective than Cultivated Herbs.

  • Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia)
  • Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)
  • Kutki (Picrorhiza Kurroa)
  • Bhui Amla (Phyllanthus Niruri)
  • Kalmegh (Eclipta Alba)
  • Bhringraj (Embelia Ribes)
  • Makoi (Embelia Ribes)
  • Nishoth (Solanum Nigrum)
  • Daruharidra (Berberis Aristata)
  • Kasani (Cichorium Intybus)
  • Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa)
  • Vai-Vidang (Embelia Ribes)
  • Amla (Emblica Officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia Belerica)
  • Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)


Ayurvedic Concept

The various herbs used in Ayurveda are liver protective, corrective and have regenerating effect on liver cells. These herbs stimulate liver regeneration, have bile purgative (Pitta (Fire) Virechaka) effects and act as Pitta-Nashaka (Pitta (Fire) destroyer) and Pitta-Shamka Rreduces Pitta (Fire). They have been proven to have special action on viral hepatitis due to antiviral properties. Therefore, by keeping the Pitta (Fire) in its balanced state and due to their hepatoprotective action, these herbs are capable of dealing with all liver problems.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the traditional medicine and natural healing system of India. Its foundation comes from the Vedic Era around 5000 years ago. Ayurveda is one of the most comprehensive healing systems in the world, dealing integrally with body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda has classified the body system according to the theory of Tridosha to overcome all ailments by eliminating the basic cause.

The basic objective of Ayurveda is to educate people on how to take care of their health themselves and increase longevity. One can achieve this goal by monitoring and balancing one’s nutritional diet and life style. This system is related to the soul, body & mind simultaneously.


Take 1 or 2 Tablets, 2 or 3 times a day with water. Dose can be adjusted or decreased as per requirement later on.

Children above 7 should take half dose.

This product can be used with any of our other products.

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