Health Concerns Eight Treasures


Health Concerns Eight Treasures


Eight Treasures may be used for the following:

  • Post menstrual fatigue
  • Delayed or Irregular menstruation
  • Supports normal fertility
  • Anemia from chronic illness or blood loss
  • Blurry or weak vision
  • Spots in Vision
  • Dizziness/Veritgo
  • Poor nails
  • Poor circulation
  • Consitpation
  • Reduced appetite
  • Fatigue
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Codonopsis root (dang shen), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), White Peony root (bai shao), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Ligusticum root (chuan xiong), Spatholobus stem (ji xue teng), Baked Licorice root (zhi gan cao), Ginger rhizome (gan jiang), Red Date fruit (da zao)

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As a certified health coach, graduate of Stanford University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and natural supplement expert, I have created cutting edge wellness products to help support your health & wellness journey. For personalized nutritional and dietary advice, contact me with your details and I'll be happy to tailor advice to your specific needs.

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