Health Concerns Coptis Purge Fire


Health Concerns Coptis Purge Fire


Therapeutic Actions of Coptis Purge Fire:

  • Treats intense, acute, localized inflammations, skin eruptions such as hives, sore throat, strep throat, eye and ear infections, nasal and sinus infections, herpes simplex outbreaks, pelvic inflammatory disease, tooth abscess, oral ulcers, nasal infections, and mouth ulcers
  • Treats chronic Liver Fire conditions, chronic skin eruptions (eczema), facial flushing, red eyes, migraine headaches, urinary tract infections
  • Treats constipation associated with illnesses and high fevers
  • Useful for hot flashes
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Coptis root* (huang lian), Isatis root* (ban lan gen), Dong Quai root* (dang gui), Lophatherum herb* (dan zhu ye), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Chinese Peony root* (bai shao), Anemarrhena root* (zhi mu), Phellodendron cortex* (huang bai), Gentian root* (qin jiao), Alisma rhizome* (ze xie), Marshmallow root (yao su kui), Skullcap root* (huang qin), Sophora root* (ku shen), Forsythia fruit* (lian qiao), Gardenia fruit* (zhi zi), Licorice root* (gan cao

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