Health Concerns Heavenly Water


Health Concerns Heavenly Water


Therapeutic Actions of Heavenly Water:

  • Treats PMS, irregular menstruation, breast distension and tenderness, abdominal bloating, constipation, dysmenorrhea and spotting
  • Helpful in treating depression, headaches, sweet cravings, acne

Heavenly Water is a complex formula designed for the complex needs of American women, who suffer from the effects of stress, lack of exercise, and high fat diets. The formula includes Western herbs known to regulate the menstrual period, including gotu kola as a substitute for bupleurum (chai hu). Chaste tree berries are widely used in Europe for hormonal irregularities. Heavenly Water is useful for treating PMS when various signs appear, breast pain, and headache; chronic digestive difficulties; facial acne. The formula also tonifies lung yin and clears lung heat to control rising liver energy.


Gotu kola root (Centella asiatica), Chaste tree berries (Viticis agnus-castus), Passion flower (Passiflorae incarnatae), Pseudostellaria root (tai zi shen), Scute root (huang qin), Pinellia rhizome (ban xia), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), White Peony root (bai shao), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Cyperus rhizome (xiang fu), Trichosanthes root (tian hua fen), Red Date (da zao), Baked Licorice root (zhi gan cao), Citrus peel (chen pi), Blue Citrus fruit (qing pi)

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